General megaissue for broad email enhancements
- Implement missing extensions, (many are called out at top of net_smtp) e.g.
- For BURL IMAP, we need to extract the Bcc from the submitted message and not include it in the outgoing message
- Still need a reliable client that supports BURL (so not Trojita). Spearhead getting it added to Thunderbird?
- Implement missing extensions (many are called out at top of net_imap)
- Pipelining support (i.e. taking advantage of pipelining to process commands in true parallel)? But what clients can actually take advantage of that? Very high effort, very low reward - tabled for now, unlikely to ever be implemented.
Mail filtering: has its own issue at LBBS-31
- Set up a filtering rule to auto process incoming DMARC reports and run the opendmarc scripts on them to process them. Include in the rules template
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