This has never worked, but there is renewed interest and urgency in getting it working.
If we can't get IAX2 working, then might be worth giving SIP a go (yuck!).
I am seeing this sort of thing on the failed IAX2 calls to the server:
[2024-11-24 22:49:55.484] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX Subclass: CTOKEN
[2024-11-24 22:49:55.484] Timestamp: 00014ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 07661 REDACTED:4569
[2024-11-24 22:49:55.484] CALLTOKEN : 51 bytes
[2024-11-24 22:49:55.484]
[2024-11-24 22:49:55.484] NOTICE[1552592]: chan_iax2.c:10359 socket_process_helper: inside the if (no such call: 32769)
[2024-11-24 22:49:55.484] WARNING[1552592]: chan_iax2.c:10365 socket_process_helper: Silently rejecting call without accurate destination call number (32769)
[2024-11-24 22:49:57.480] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX Subclass: CTOKEN
[2024-11-24 22:49:57.480] Timestamp: 00014ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 07661 REDACTED:4569
[2024-11-24 22:49:57.480] CALLTOKEN : 51 bytes
[2024-11-24 22:49:57.480]
[2024-11-24 22:49:57.479] NOTICE[1552589]: chan_iax2.c:10359 socket_process_helper: inside the if (no such call: 32769)
[2024-11-24 22:49:57.479] WARNING[1552589]: chan_iax2.c:10365 socket_process_helper: Silently rejecting call without accurate destination call number (32769)
[2024-11-24 22:49:59.414] NOTICE[1552590]: chan_iax2.c:4750 __auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
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