This issue requires a great deal of grunt work. Over several years, I have accumulated over 9 hours of HQ recordings of the US Naval Observatory master clock, voiced by Fred Covington.
I was initially corresponding with Andy Emmerson in the UK about doing this to get a full prompt set, and so this has been a joint collaboration thus far.
What needs to be done is create a master prompt set, using the pool of recordings, which should provide sufficient material for all the hours, minutes, seconds, days of the week, time of day, etc.
The current on premises file share path to the recordings is T:\Recordings\USNO
, but that may change with time. Recordings are 515 MB in size but I can coordinate getting them to any interested party that may want to work with them. The only stipulation is that the end result be shared back with the community for all to enjoy. PhreakNet Audio can provide hosting for the final prompt set, since that should be relatively small in size. The raw tapes will stay on prem.
Once a prompt set is created out of these, the source material will no longer be needed, and we can set up a USNO master clock recreation, or hopefully recreate any other Fred Covington speaking clock that existed. This is one of the major speaking clocks of which, to my knowledge, there are no "modern" Asterisk recreations.
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