Currently, only callers to 976 numbers see this reflected on their bills.
Ideally, owners of 976 numbers should see a negative charge on their bill when people call a 976 number. This would be reflected as a discount.
This does potentially mean that balances could be negative, which is something that will need to be considered.
4/20/2022 12:24 PM — InterLinked
I think those are all good ideas.
I have some copies of 976 documents and indeed the owners did receive compensation though the exact mechanics aren't clear from it.
I know there are some folks in the community that owned 976 numbers at one point. Might be worth posing the question of how exactly the billing nuances were handled. I'm curious myself is a bill could be "negative" in that you would get a check from the phone company and not owe them anything...
5/21/2022 7:00 PM — Southernphoneman
These will not be fixed
You must be
4/19/2022 12:02 PM — KurisuYamato
Perhaps as an addition to this concept 976 numbers could be charged for much like Zenith numbers are, with a given per month cost, preferably a realistic value if the tariffs for such could be located. This would offset some of the earnings from calls to the 976 number.
Additionally, or alternately, 976 profits could be itemized but not actually applied to the bill --- one could see that they earner $37 for calls to their 976 number, but the bill would still be what they would owe anyway -- I can imagine such is something like what actually was done during the time of heavy 976 number usage, as it would be a separate billing aspect in and of itself, if my phrasing makes sense.