When at the login screen for Phreaknet.org it returns to the same page each time. I have tried on a different browser. Are you aware of this. I used to be able to log in normally yesterday. Maybe it's something I've done. I have just installed a Phreaknet server for the first time in a while. All the way through I had no issue at all except today I noticed that it was problematic. I use Vivaldi and because of the blocking I tried FireFox just in case. The same happens there. Hope it's something I've done and not something serious.
8/26/2023 11:49 AM — InterLinked
Saw this through the contact form as well, issue is indeed resolved.
I'm doing another migration of files away from that server this weekend which should further alleviate this issue.
You must be
8/26/2023 11:43 AM — KurisuYamato
This is likely a known common issue resulting from storage capacity limits in the server - it usually resolves itself within 24 hours, often less; since the server cache gets cleared regularly enough, but sometimes not as often as would be to prevent this problem.
As it's been a couple of days since you posted this report, I'm curious if the problem has resolved itself or if you're still unable to log in?