Asterisk is only capable of playing 2 tones at once, which is why ROH tone in Asterisk is not (natively) possible.
indications.c should be expanded to support up to 4 tones (maybe 5, since the "railroad" tone set uses 5).
Since this might involve more runtime overhead, we might want to add #ifdefs so this is a compile time setting.
Also, as part of this:
32768 is the max (8 bits) - really 32767, min is -32768 -> 16 bits since also negative
define TONE_AMPLITUDE_MAX 0x7fff Max signed linear amplitude
23255 is 0dB
7219 is -8 dB
8192 (alarm rec?) 1/4 and 1024 (e.g. fax) 1/32 are common
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